The design of GeoSequel® is exceptionally disciplined and relentlessly logical. It follows real-world work flows—work flows that are used by experienced geologists, mine engineers, and environmental compliance professionals; work flows used in exploration, open-pit mining, and underground mining; and work flows used in resource estimation, grade control and reconciliation. This type of design allowed us to set up a series of work-flow buttons. Even experienced users refer to these steps to complete frequent tasks.


There is consistency for adding, generating, copying, cloning, and exporting any of these sample types. There is consistency for handling sample numbers and generating transmittals. After you learn how to handle one sample object, you can easily learn the other sample objects. The Collar object type has extensive functionality for logging core and cuttings, including lithology, alteration, structure, and other geotechnical data. Logging can be completed through the web browser interface or the standalone application called GeoSequel® Logger.


  • COLLAR - Collar for core holes, RC holes, etc.

  • SAMPLE GROUP-Sample Group covers any type of point samples (i.e., rock chip, soil, and stream sediment samples)

  • BLAST HOLE- Blast Hole for any type of sample collected related to blast preparation

  • CHANNEL-Channel (including panel sampling) for underground grade control sampling

  • MONITOR- Monitor for water, air quality, sound samples in addition to ground movement monitor data

  • TRACK-Track for samples collected anywhere in the process stream

gray rock formation

GeoSequel® LabTools

We have added GeoSequel® LabTools for on-site laboratories. The laboratory at the mine site no longer requires a separate and expensive laboratory information management system (LIMS) application. LabTools was designed from the perspective of laboratory supervisors and technicians. It can accommodate any sample or analysis type, features full transmittal functionality and the built-in capability to buffer between finalized laboratory results and operations personnel, including environmental managers.


GeoSequel® LabTools is a Windows application that replaces the need for a full LIMS system at an on-site laboratory. It can accommodate any sample or analysis type and any work-flow, including full transmittal functionality. It has a unique buffer between the laboratory and operations.

GeoSequel® Logger is a stand-alone Windows application for logging core, RC holes, and channel samples when you are not connected to main SQL Server database. Transmittals can also be created while in the field to submit with samples. You can synchronize with the main database once connected or log directly into the main database.

GeoSequel® Tools is another Windows app that is separate from the main, web-based GeoSequel® interface. It can parse certificates and create the entries in GeoSequel® necessary to accept the certified analyses. You can achieve a greater than 80% reduction in time to load historical data. In addition, each analysis can be flagged and reviewed prior to import

GeoSequel® Link is also separate from the main, web-based GeoSequel® interface. It provides functions to export data into formats that can be used by Surpac, Vulcan, MineSight, Leapfrog, Datamine, ArcGIS, MapInfo, and AutoCAD. The views selected in GeoSequel® Link are exceptionally powerful and versatile. You can setup priorities dependent on analytical techniques and setup customized calculated fields.

GeoSequel® Stor facilitates core box, chip tray, sample splits, and sample pulp storage. It has full barcode capabilities and can work in detached mode when you are working in a storage warehouse.