




Andy Wallace – Cordex Partner

GeoSequel® has been a reliable data management system for our exploration and blast hole data since our mine went into production. It is a fast and responsive interface between our lab and ore control departments—GeoSequel® Tools can immediately show which samples were picked up and entered into the system and which samples the lab has finished assaying. It has a large number of useful QA/QC and informational reports that we use daily. The support on this product has been great—we talk to Don whenever we have a question or an issue and he can usually write a script for a fix or arrange a screen share within the same day. Our mine depends on GeoSequel® to consistently provide the data we need to make our daily production decisions.”

Sara Holden – Ore Control Geologist
Pete Herrera – Chief Geologist Golden Queen Mining Company

“Cordex has been using the Geosequel® tools for drill hole logging and data base management for two years. We have found Geosequel® quite easy to use and are very pleased. We have had multiple Cordex users, with a wide variation in their skill sets, and all have been able to use the system successfully.”

“I found the GeoSequel® software package to be a great tool to manage drilling and geochem data for a drilling project as it was advanced from an early-stage to an intermediatestage exploration project. GeoSequel® is a multi-faceted package. Using the “Logger”, multiple “rig geologists” may enter details of lithology and alteration in a “disconnected” (tailgate of pickup) environment. Multiple loggers may customize drop-downs and maintain consistency in the lithologic logs. The “Tools” included with GeoSequel® are simple to use. The import tool allows for direct import of electronically transmitted assay data which I found important to avoid corruption of data that may occur by manual manipulation of spreadsheets. Standards, duplicates and blanks in the assay stream are easily dealt with. Tools for QA/QC are built-in to examine the integrity of logging, assay, down-hole and collar data. While the software requires only general computer literacy, "power users" will appreciate the robust customization available to produce up-to-date reports with a consistent structure. I found that GeoSequel® keeps all the data together for use in modeling programs. I used Target for ArcGIS as the modeling package and for maps and cross-sections. The drill-hole data represented is the most current which is important to geologists that use the "on-the-fly" drill planning method. Tech support is great. Questions and issues were always addressed in a very timely manner. I recommend the GeoSequel® package. It will save time and money when begin to model your resources.”

Jim Greybeck- Consulting Geologist